I have worked in hospitality for over twelve years, from managing entertainers in Spain to open a hotel as a general manager in the UK. I am a passionate traveler and have studied Hospitality Management at Cornell University.
As a passionate hotelier, I want to share with you some effective management practices if you are applying for your first management position or you might feel you are lacking something in your managerial role:
Be present – Take responsibility for your team, spend time with your staff, and lead by example.
Communication – Be an effective communicator and support clear communication across the departments
Get to know your guests – Let guests tell you about any issues they might have had and share feedback on outstanding service. They will be the best people to let you learn about your missing business opportunities.
Hire the right people – Best to wait to hire the right people than recruit anyone if you are short of staff. The right personality and talent will significantly impact the guest experience and hotel revenue. In addition, they will be keen to go the extra mile.
Empower your employees and provide opportunities to grow – Invest in your employees. Please support them with training and delegate tasks to help them reach their goals.
Reward your employees – Many great teams and employees need even a tiny recognition to feel energized and empowered. Training and rewarding your team keeps them motivated to work for you instead of moving to the competition.
Keep an eye on emerging trends – Register to industry newsletters, follow competitors, and read about hospitality innovations to bring new ideas to your team.
Embrace the power of social media – Get the word out about your hotel! Look for marketing opportunities to make your hotel known.
Budget and revenue – while hospitality is about people, make sure that budgets are a priority and that you keep track of the revenue you are generating.
To conclude, I would like to share with you one of my favorite quotes about the hospitality industry: “It’s the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class.” – J. Willard Marriott.
If you wish to learn more about the hospitality support that GroWing can offer you, reach us today for a free consultation: https://growingconsultancy.com/contact/.